Privacy & Copyright

This is my privacy policy.

Due to theĀ  GDPR rules that come into force on the 25th of May 2019, I created this privacy policy, to confirm to you what information I gather from you & what I do with it.

What information is being collected?

For the Newsletter, I’ll be collecting the following via Mail Octopus: Your name, your email address For subscriptions to the website of the latest blog post (so you get informed when I post new blog content)
Your name, your email address

Who is collecting it?
Email Octopus for the newsletter
Website for blog subscriptions

How is it collected?
By you voluntarily giving me that information in the signup forms.

Why is it being collected?
I can’t send out the newsletter without your name & email address, they’re needed.

How will my information be used?
It’ll be mainly kept off-site within Email Octopus’s systems; they are GDPR-compliant.

Who will it be shared with?
Email Octopus will keep the newsletter information.

What will be the effect of this on the individuals concerned?
Nothing at all, I hope! Beyond clicking on the double acceptance thing that gives consent for the newsletter, that’s all you need to do.

If you want to come off my list, here’s what to do;
Email Octopus: Just unsubscribe & say you no longer want to be on the list. I’ll go cry in a corner for a moment, but I’m a big girl, it’ll be fine!

What about your Copyright?
Well, that’s mine! You wouldn’t want months of hard work being copied now, would you? Be nice! I don’t mind if you want to use the odd sentence or a paragraph for a book review, that’s okay by me. The whole book/novella? Please don’t! That’s disrespectful, rude & takes chocolate out of my kids’ mouths.

Louise Murchie doesn’t sell your information on!